Post by Amélie Anglade, Tech Ambassador of Berlin Geekettes
At the Berlin Geekettes hackathon a few days ago, Geekettes have shown that they can hack and that they like hacking. Unfortunately, some people might have missed their awesome demos at the hackathon. To remedy this we will be featuring some (if not all) of the hacks right here on this blog, including all the details, links and download information for you to play with the apps that those lady hackers have built. But even by now, those hacks have made quite some waves in the community already.
The more excited we are to announce: the Geekeetes Hackathon Participants have been officially invited to present those hacks at the Berlin Hack and Tell for the March edition. For those not aware of what Hack and Tell is, let’s hear it from Stefan Hoth, cofounder and organiser:
“Originally from New York City, Berlin Hack and Tell is a monthly event at c-base space station where developers showcase their latest projects and side projects, called hacks, to share knowledge and get feedback from the crowd. Every talk only gets 5 minutes with a short Q&A-session afterwards, this way the evening won’t get boring and you can see a lot of different things.”
Started way over one and half years ago Berlin Hack and Tell quickly grew into a corner stone event of the local developer and hacker community, if not the event to be at to present your awesome hacks. And it has seen great stuff over time, from programmed knitting machines over tcp-over-twitter-tunnels up to 3d-Multiplayer Bomberman. The more exciting it is to be embraced by that community and get invited at this month edition: Berlin Geekettes receive a priority registration for the next meetup on Monday 25th March at 6:30pm at c-base, meaning that if you mention you are a Berlin Geekette while registering you will get in (up to a limited number of seats). That goes for all Geekettes, even those that do not have a hack to demo. What an amazing offer, because, trust me, Hack and Tell is usually fully booked within minutes.
Why attend?
- Because you can meet cool and interesting like-minded people
- To represent tech ladies (be an ambassador!)
- To discover c-base, the oldest hacker space in the world, if you haven’t been there yet
- Because there is free food (pizza)
Why present?
- To show your amazing hacks from the BG hackathon or your side projects
- To get feedback on what you have been hacking
- To work on your presentation skills in a friendly and safe atmosphere
- To represent hacker ladies
So, Ladies, grab your laptops and present the awesome stuff we did at the hackathon and find other fellow hackers to socialise with and chat about it.