Meet Simone Simonato, Fashion Designer and Founder of SICA.
If you want to support Simone and SICA, check out her crowdfunding campaign here!
What's your background?
Fashion. I started sewing when I was 14 and have been doing that since than. In 2006 I started with SICA. I have a diploma in fashion and a BA in graphic design and just finished the MA program Sustainability in Fashion at ESMOD-Berlin.
Upcycled bags from SICA
What inspired you dive into sustainable fashion?
My work experience with SICA, full time from production through sales. I developed ways to minimize waste and pick better, long-lasting materials. I also choose to hire the right people, and pay them good salaries... but to develop consumer awareness was still a big challenge. I realized I needed time to research how I could do better in fashion. I decided to quit SICA and explore how the industry works. The brand already had a sustainable concept to exist and I needed to know more about it.
Have there been challenges you needed to overcome? If yes, what did you do?
Being a foreign women establishing a project alone in Bangladesh, where most of the decisions are made by men. But I believe in myself and what I do. I listen and observe ten times more than I speak.
Please walk me through your day, what's a typical working day for you?
Normally, it's getting out of bed and turning my bedroom into my workspace. Most times, I stay on the computer and work on marketing, production or do research. Sometimes, I have my sewing machine and textiles out and work on designs, which is what I really love to do. I especially love when I get to travel to join ongoing and new projects.
Can you see yourself in ten years doing the same thing you do now?
Yes I can. I love diversity and would love to take part in different projects. Being able to provide jobs through design is what drives me.
What is the best advice you ever received?
To not give up! I get inspired by people that feel connected to what I do and support it somehow. That keeps me going.
What is the most important thing you’ve learned in the last year?
It does not matter where you are; people are quite the same. Everybody is afraid and does not always know what to do/where to go. Gotta keep going.
And what are your plans for the future?
Cooperation and research. I want to keep learning and share with others what I have learned. My goal with SICA is to get involved in different upcycling projects.
If you could do one thing differently, what would it be?
I don't believe in changing my past. I believe every step (bad or good) is important. Things only happen when we are prepared for them to happen.
Any advice for Berliner women?
Of course joining the Berlin Geekettes! I will take this moment to thank the Geekettes community. Being part of such a talented and powerful group only made me stronger and believe that success is possible to everyone. Every now and then, I realize how many barriers I had set up in my life. Being surrounded by these beautiful women blows up my mind!